Monday, May 27, 2013

Laa-thaa-phii (Ghost Game)

Again, a ghost story. This time from Thailand.

A game show is held in an old war camp in Cambodia. The goal is to stay longer than the other contestants, despite being scared out of your wits and having to fulfill disturbing tasks, like chaining each other to torture devices and cracking open skulls.

Initially, we are fed the 'history' of the camp, where a war lord tortured and killed prisoners and - one fateful May 9th - his soldiers and himself. The game show takes place in the first days of May, of course.

There are 11 contestants in all, two of which are the winner and runner-up of the previous year's show. Why they would be allowed to participate again and, indeed, why they would care to is never discussed over the course of the film. They are only suspected of manipulating their opponents to walk away with the 5 million price (5 million Thai Baht, that is). Another contestant was placed in the group by the production company. What her function is is never is explained either.

Anyway, some of the people start seeing ghosts. Specifically, the ghost of one woman, who was hanged in the camp right before the big bad military boss went nuts and killed everyone. And when May 9 finally clocks in, people start dying. First, the entire TV crew disappears from their post in the studio, only later to be found slaughtered elsewhere, some practice self mutilation (one with chisel and hammer) and other are killed by a shape shifting ghost.

Only once does one contestant (last year's winner) try to help one of her suffering opponents, while everyone else merely stand by horrified and watch others die.

Nice premise, could have been much scarier, though. Too many holes in the plot to be fully enjoyed.


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