Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Evil Dead

Poor timid Ash. Here he thought he was going on a nice road trip with his girl, his sister and a couple of friends. And then it turns into this horror trip.

First, they hear weird sounds and the basement door flies open. When they investigate they find a nasty looking book and an audio tape. Feeling adventurous, the friends listen to the tape that unfortunately releases demons onto the little cabin they are in.

Then the sister investigates noises in the woods (like you do) and gets attacked by same woods (so far, so normal). The group soon realizes that all is not well and they will be stuck at least for the night.

But soon sis starts turning into this...thing that attacks and after she injures the girlfriend, she turns as well. So the demons take one after the other with only Ash remaining to fend for himself. And boy does he give it his all. He makes a full transformation from scream queen to bad ass in the course of this one night. He lives to tell the tale.

Cult horror that pulls out all the stops and sometimes, interestingly, slows down to show, say, bodies decaying before delivering another blow.

Quite awesome, this.


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