Monday, April 6, 2015


Though the subject of this documentary is right down my lane (being someone who watches way too many films, albeit on a very much smaller scale in comparison to the subjects of Cinemania), the execution appears so sloppy that it borders on the annoying.

It is shot with shaky camera (in an attempt at vérité) and does not really focus all that much on cinema itself, or what it actually means to the five people the cameras follow around. There is an awful lot of time dedicated to the logistics of watching as many films as possible in cinemas across New York City, but rarely does it ever touch on what those films are.

I assume that the films are not merely picked because they can be fitted into a day, but there is a reason an individual wants to see certain films. Somehow, we never quite learn what, say, Harvey watches on a particular day. Sure, we know he likes Ginger Rogers and is not a fan of Antonioni, but that is about the extent.

In the end, we see more of New York City, hustling from one cinema to the next on many subways, than we do of actual film. I wish they would have let the five people talk more and make them look less like weirdos.

Somewhat disappointing.


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