Saturday, February 16, 2013


The film is based on the novel of the same name by Stephen King (or rather, his alter ego Richard Bachman).

Billy Halleck, an overweight small town lawyer, accidentally hits and kills a gypsy woman with his car. During the deposition, the local judge and a policeman fix the case so that there will be no further criminal investigation into the death, which gets ruled accidental. As he leaves the court, the gypsy's father comes up to him, strokes his cheek and says, "Thinner". From that moment on, Billy starts losing weight rapidly.

The gypsy apparently also cursed the judge (who slowly turns into a lizard - official explanation "skin cancer") and the policeman (who sports a gross collection of boils all over his body). Billy tries to find the gypsy, convinced that the one who puts a curse on you is also the only one that can lift it again.

Stephen King himself has a cameo in the film, like in several others. Here he plays the local pharmacist.

The book is rather mediocre and so is the film.


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