Monday, February 18, 2013

Matango (Attack of the Mushroom People)

A professor tells his story in the psychiatric ward in a hospital in Tokyo.

He was on a sailing trip when the boat got into a storm which left it ruined. After drifting in the open sea for a few days, the group of travelers strands on a small island. When they venture inside in search of food and water they first discover a pond that appears to be man made and is surrounded by a field of mushrooms.

Later, they discover a shipwreck covered in fungus, but where they also find some food. The longer they remain and with food running low, they start to get more agitated until one of them starts eating the mushrooms.

One day, the group starts getting randomly attacked by a weird (mushroom like) creature and - also under the influence of the mushrooms - they start turning on each other. They die/go crazy/get killed one after the other until only the professor is left and flees onto the drifting yacht.

While waiting for rescue or death, he questions his leaving one of the women, Akiko, behind, thinking he might have been happier with his love, infected by the mushrooms or not. He is discovered a few days later, questioning humanity and their not being so different from the mushroom people.


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