Sunday, April 21, 2013

Men in Black 3

Will Smith saves the world. Like he does.

Boris the Animal escapes from a maximum security prison on the moon where he spent the last 40 years courtesy of young Agent K. After he escapes he gets a time travel device to go back to 1969 to do away with K before he shoots off one of his arms and locks him up.

After he kills K in the past, Agent J feels uncomfortable and appears to be the only one in the agency to know K ever existed - apart from Agent O who knew him back in the day and realizes what has happened. J goes off to the past to restore order and save K's life.

This is the story.

Unfortunately, there is not much of Tommy Lee Jones in this one, you know, having been eradicated and all. His younger self is played by Josh Brolin (not a bad choice). The big bad guy is played by a barely recognizable Jemaine Clement and the modern day Agent O is Emma Thompson.

Not a bad cast and a somewhat entertaining film, although the MiB films do lose some of of their initial shine and humor.


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