Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Frozen Dead

Oh, how I love bad horror films! This one takes the eternal baddies, the Nazis, to good use. One Dr. Norborg has been working on a secret project to revive bodies that have been frozen for up to 20 years. An interested party of two Nazi sympathizers come to have a look at the doctor's progress and are very disappointed when they learn that even though the bodies have been revived, there have been some hick-ups with the brain function.

This is demonstrated through recent failed revivals, one subject is eternally crying because his brain appears to be stuck in a sad moment of his previous life, another is constantly bouncing an invisible ball, a third - this the doctor's own brother (played by the only actor of note in the whole thing, Edward Fox) - has been rather violent since he was defrosted, constantly trying to choke people.

This brain problem is of very great concern to the visitors, as they came to inform the doctor of their plan to revive 1500 frozen heads of Nazis of prominence. They wish to see results soon and the doctor feels he will need some more time. To speed things up, the doctor's assistant stages a murder.

Let me explain. The doctor's niece Jean makes a surprise appearance with a friend. Jean is the daughter of the now violent brother. That friend is drugged by the assistant and left for the brother to choke to death. He tells the doctor that OMG! I heard a noise and came in to see your brother kill the poor girl. But wait! Don't panic! How about we cut off her head and see if we cannot revive her brain properly? Wouldn't that be awesome?

And so they do. This causes a bit of a chain reaction, because Jean is looking for her, they make up an elaborate lie of the friend having left for London on the morning train. Jean will not let go and asks uncomfortable questions. The two Nazi visitors put more pressure on the doctor to get his shit together so that they can get on with their evil plan of trying for world domination once again.

It is as ridiculous as it sounds, which is to say, quite awesome.

(see also: Nazis at the Center of the Earth, a film with similar themes)


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