Saturday, March 2, 2013

Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines or, How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 Hours and 11 Minutes

A comedy about the early years of aviation.

Pioneers of flight from all over the world come together in England to participate in an air race from London to Paris. Like any classic 1960s comedy, it exploits ever single country cliche imaginable but - also like any classic 1960s comedy - does this in the most charming manner.

The main players are a dashingly handsome - if slightly dorky - Englishman, a daredevil American (the two also vying for the same lady as well as the prize money), a group of German military men (doing everything by the book, of course), a happy-go-lucky Frenchman, a conniving Englishman (manipulating everything and everyone whenever possible), a mysterious Japanese, an Italian with his entire overly emotional family as well as some bit players.

Have seen this forever ago and it still makes me chuckle throughout. Gert Fröbe in a bathing costume is quite the sight.


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