Thursday, August 30, 2012

Man on a Ledge

Do you know the feeling when you come home late in the evening and you are still so hyper (from whatever....harmless things) that you are not ready to go to bed. Happened to me two nights ago and I had to fill the void between hyper and eyes falling shut (experience has taught me this is a rather short period) with something to watch that didn't require too much thinking. So, I picked Man on a Ledge, because with a title like that....

It is about a man. He is on a ledge.

It is set in New York City, which is a plus in my book (pretty aerial views onto cabs and onlookers). The lead actor...Nick Cassidy/Sam Worthington...not so much. So he was a cop that ended up in prison for allegedly stealing a diamond, which he strongly denies. He escapes and the next thing we know he is on this ledge with a woman (Elizabeth Banks) left with the task to talk him back into the hotel room he was staying in. We also meet a few more characters/actors. Some of them we like - Jamie Bell (the brother), Kyra Sedgwick (a reporter), Edward Burns (a cop).

That was pretty much the end of my first sitting with Man on a Ledge. Bedtime.

Next sitting (last night) - there is of course much more to the story than we initially learned. Nick maintains that he did not steal the diamond off of the big bad wolf - in this case Ed Harris (David Englander) - and to prove his innocence/get him back he hogs all the media and police attention while his lil (hot) bro and his (equally hot) girlfriend break into Englander's vault to actually steal the diamond in question. After some nailbiting action (well, not really) and the discovery that most cops are dirty it turns out that the diamond is not there!

It was at this point that I once again called it quits for the night. So the burning questions (Did he or did he not steal the diamond originally? Where is the stupid diamond??? Is Edward Burns a good or bad guy?) will have to wait.

Third (and final) sitting: Happy end! Hurrah! Bad guys get taken down, Ed Burns is not one of them, former colleagues cheer Nick, a lot of shoulder patting, lil bro proposes and they all lived happily ever after. Way too neat, if you ask me.


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