Thursday, August 16, 2012

Mørke Sjeler (Dark Souls)

When his daughter Johanna is attacked with a drill and turned into a zombie, Morten Ravn goes off on his own to find the culprit and bring him to justice. Given that the policeman leading the investigation of a number of similar attacks is a smug asshole (fear not, he will get what he deserves), he really has no choice.

The film borrows heavily from themes used in other films and TV shows. There is the black oil dripping onto faces (familiar to anyone who watched The X Files) and a woman crawling awkwardly (à la Ju-On) towards her victim. Not even the big bad oil company as the ultimate baddie is a new concept. People and companies threatening the environment have taken a lot of the fictional blame since western cinema lost its favorite scapegoat, the USSR, to brotherly capitalism.
The film is at its best when it doesn't take itself too seriously - like when men start going at each other with drills, or Mr. Ravn makes funny sounds and laughs hysterically over every bad guy biting the dust while hunting him.

Unfortunately, those moments are few and far between.


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