Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Stake Land

We enter the film after the collapse of the country has already happened. There is no real explanation as to what exactly happened or why. The plain facts are that there are the humans - some fighting, some preaching, some hoping for protection - and then there are the 'vamps' - moving like zombies, but whatever.

We follow the story of Martin, told mostly in voice-over (which I am not a fan of, ever), who was saved by a guy called Mister (yes, I know). Poor thing had to watch his whole family get killed first, though. This Mister wants to get young Martin safely to 'New Eden' (=Canada) and they travel north together, killing vamps and fighting religious nuts along the way.

The scenery and the basic story of man trying to get boy to safe haven is basically the same as in The Road. Of course, Stake Land has more action and, well, non-humans in it but as a continuous narrative The Road is far superior. Stake Land is still more interesting than most standard vampire (or zombie) movies, though.

The film also features Kelly McGillis, whom I haven't seen in a long time. She dies (just FYI).


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