Friday, January 10, 2014

The X Files: Fallen Angel

One of many UFO/alien abduction/government conspiracy episodes over the years The X Files aired.

Mulder has gone rogue after hearing about a downed UFO from Deep Throat himself. The military is already in the process of covering up the incident and frantically looking for the creature that manned the aircraft. The first person on site (a local deputy) and the fire crew responding to the forest fire caused by the crash have all died from severe body burns (we don't officially learn that until later in the episode, though).

Mulder, breaching protocol as usual, is making pictures of the crash site when he is discovered and thrown in jail. In the next cell over is Max, a fan boy and fellow UFO enthusiast. Max has already been released when Mulder wakes up the next morning to Scully coming in to take him with her - preferably back to D.C. where a hearing on the future of the X Files and Mulder's general (mis) behavior) is to take place the next morning. She has been fed the "top secret" cover story of a downed Libyan fighter jet carrying a nuclear device. Hence the military involvement and "securing" of the site.

When the agent get back to Mulder's motel room they find it in a mess and Max stuck in the bathroom window, trying to flee the scene. They join Max in his RV - parked right outside the motel - which is full of literature about aliens, scanners and other technical stuff and lots of medication.

The alien that the military and Mulder are searching for is invisible and very, very dangerous. When it is cornered by a group of military (they detected it with a heat camera), it takes out a good few of the men. Mulder and Scully are in the hospital, trying to find out information on the deputy and fire crew from the doctor who treated them. The man is reluctant to talk, but so pissed off at the military's arrogant behavior that he does let on about the burns. As the agents are about to leave, the injured military men are wheeled in. The head honcho is trying to have both of them removed, but the disgruntled doctor stands up to him and insists Scully stay, as she is an MD.

Mulder, back at the motel, finds Max having an epileptic episode and - when he helps him to bed - discovers a mark behind his ear that he has seen before on - you guessed it - alien abductees. When Scully returns and urges him to get packing to go back to D.C. and save their department, he asks her to take a look at Max. Max, however, has disappeared. In a previous scene he appeared to have been taken over by the alien. The scanners in his RV is on and Mulder and Scully overhear that the military is closing in on the creature they have been looking for. They rush to the scene - much to Scully's annoyance.

They find badly burned bodies of military and Max inside a warehouse, in pain. Mulder stays with him while Scully goes back outside to try and reason with the head honcho. She learns that three bodies are inside the building, as detected by the heat camera. This means, that the alien is with Mulder and Max, putting the two in grave danger.

Inside the warehouse, the alien throws Mulder across the room and takes possession of Max again. Mulder sees his hanging in a light beam in mid air (again, Scully misses the good stuff). Then the military realize that suddenly only one body appears to be inside the warehouse. They force their way in to find only Mulder, telling the head honcho that "they got to it first" - another alien ship has been sent to recover the downed flyer. E.T. has, apparently, returned home.

During the hearing the following day, Mulder tells the head of the committee that "No one, no government agency, has jurisdiction over the truth." In the last scene, the head storms off to confront Deep Throat (who's position within the FBI is not quite clear but must be very high up) who has overruled the decision to close down the X Files.


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