Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

Q: How do you turn a fantasy novel of 310 pages (my paperback edition) into three overly long 3D films?

A: You don't.

The first half of the second part of the Hobbit trilogy seemed to drag on forever. The quest of the dwarf and hobbit team was more about running over plains from the evil orks, walking through mysterious forests, escaping elfish prisons, climbing mountains, hiding in barrels under fish and puzzling over how to open one of those secret doors that appear to be strewn out all over Middle Earth than it was about actually standing up to the evil creature that stole your kingdom.

The second half (of the second part...blah blah, you get the picture) was stunning. There was actual fighting going on and inhabitants of Middle Earth (dwarf, man, elf) showing their true colors and some actual bravery. The elfs came to help the dwarfs fight the orks and save a dwarf's life (practically unheard of). There is even the kindling of romance blossoming between an elfish maid and a dwarf (here Peter Jackson hit a snooze button). A human hero seams to be emerging, as well. But we will have none of this until the last film.

But Smaug is an amazing creature. The part of Bilbo trying to steal the one jewel that will make Thorin king again from the dragon and the furious dragon hunting the intruders is this film's saving grace. It is even long enough to make one almost forget the tediousness one had to sit through to get there.

It is by no means a bad film. It is simply bloated. But anyone who has actually read The Hobbit could have told you that as soon as word got out that it would become a trilogy.

Surely, part three has an epic battle in store.


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