Friday, February 20, 2015

Doctor Who: The Daleks

The Dead Planet/The Survivors/The Escape/The Ambush/The Expedition/The Ordeal/The Rescue

The Daleks are awesome. They are cute and surprisingly cuddly for evil robots. They attack you with plungers (how great is that?!) and you can fool them by simply hiding inside one and pretend to be one of them.

Serial 2 of Doctor Who establishes the big nemesis of the Doctor(s) for years - decades, even! - to come. And a good thing, too.

The unlikely travel companions have to stick together to overcome a dire situation and save themselves from the evil Daleks. I still don't care for any of them but it's good to see them pull together and set their collective minds to work. Not that their togetherness seems to last very long (they forget they ever knew each other in the very next serial).

Not only do they have to fight off the Daleks, but also radiation (gasp!), thankfully they have been given vials of anti-radiation drugs just outside the Tardis by the Thals (not important). Phew!

This has cliffhangers! Firstly, the Dalek arm reaching out for Barbara (the female school teacher), and in the end AN EXPLOSION!


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