Sunday, September 14, 2014

100 Bloody Acres

Another film that manifests the notion that, when in the Australian outbacks, you will die in the most horrific manner. Here, it is by the hands of organic farmers, brothers Reg and Lindsay. Lindsay is the tall, older, smarter one running the show, Reg is the hapless weakling who decides to take the initiative for once. This has dire consequences for a lot of the people in this film.

Some time ago, six bodies disappeared without a trace from a traffic accident. Nearby, the organic farm produces "blood & bone fertilizer". Does anyone make the connection? Of course not.

One day, Reg is making deliveries and happens upon another bad road accident. He decides to take the unresponsive body back to the family farm for further use. On the way back he chances upon a trio of people heading for a music festival. Their car just broke down and Reg sees this as a golden opportunity to produce some extra "new bland" of fertilizer.

Does Lindsay appreciate the help when Reg gets back? No, he does not. After reprimanding him for bringing some extra problems to the farm, the two then go ahead with their production. First to go is the victim of the accident. The trio, meanwhile, is tied up and while they try to device a plan of escape, they also start fighting over a bunch of issues they have.

As with all horror comedy hostage situations, bad just goes to worse. But here, we also get a love story developing between Reg and the girl Sophie, one of the three hitchhikers and would-be victims.

There is a lot of blood and guts and a little hilarity.


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