Saturday, September 13, 2014

Wish I Was Here

Before the film started, Zach Braff swept in, said 'hi' and told us how the film was financed (Kickstarter crowd funding, first film of its kind in this regards, apparently) and then was off again (busy, busy).

It was short, but sweet and the whole thing was free, so who am I to complain?

If you have seen Garden State, the tone of Wish I Was Here will feel familiar. Again, it is about family. Again, it is about death. The death is that of the father, who is suffering from cancer and it is obvious from very early on that he will not have long. Through this situation, Aidan - who has a slew of problems of his own - tries to keep the family together, which also means getting his brother Noah (Josh Gad - and who knew he can actually act?) to come see their father, despite their differences.

It is funny and sweet and heartbreaking. Also, cute kid actors.


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