Friday, September 12, 2014

Bad Words

Through a loophole in the rules, a grown man named Guy Trilby enters a spelling bee competition with the goal to win the entire thing. This, much the confusion and anger of parents and organizers alike.

He is sponsored and traveling with a journalist who tries to entice him into spilling the beans on why exactly he is doing this. She doesn't really get much out of him, tough, and instead gets a little help from an FBI agent, who owes her. Turns out, Guy is the son of the main organizer of the national event.

As he survives round after round he also befriends a little kid that is one of his fiercest opponents. The two become fast friend and are the last two standing, with either one trying to throw the competition. The little kid wins and Guy leaves the scene with a note for his father.

Kinda sweet.


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